MP Board 12th class Supplementary Result 2024 Released, Direct Link
MP Board 12th class Supplementary Result 2024 : Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has released big news.
There is great news for lakhs of students of Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) has released the result of the supplementary examination of class 12th. Students who failed in the 12th board examination held this year or had to give supplementary examination due to low marks in some subjects can now check their result.
MP Board 12th class Supplementary Result 2024 Process
To check your result, you need to follow these steps:
- First of all go to the official website of MP Board. The website address is: mpresults.nic.in or mpbse.nic.in
- You will get the link for 12th supplementary result on the website, click on it.
- Now you have to enter your roll number and application number.
- After filling all the information click on the submit button.
- Your result will be in front of you.
What to do if there is a mistake in the result?
If you feel that there is a mistake in your result, then you should contact the board office as soon as possible. You can also get information about this through your school.
MP Board 12th class Supplementary Result 2024: After Passing Steps
If you have passed the supplementary exam then you should now plan your further studies. If you want to take admission in college then you should start the admission process.
Important contribution of MP Board
Keeping in mind the future of the students, the MP Board conducted the supplementary examination and has now released the result. This has given the students another chance to complete their studies.
We wish all the students good luck for their results. Hope all the students have performed well. Remember, the result is not the end of your life, but a new beginning.
Disclaimer: This article is written for information purpose only. For any official information related to the result, please visit the MP Board website.